Counseling Lessons

 Counseling Curriculum Lessons by Grade Level:

Grade Level Lessons and School Wide Lessons 

Grade 6

Semester 1:   
Middle School Success Due 9/30 
Technology Choices and Consequences:  Due 10/31 
Introduction to Naviance: Due  
ACP Vision Survey (Naviance) 


Semester 2:  
Student Vision Lesson Due 3/31 
Review Student vision Profile (SVP) 



Grade 7  

Semester 1: 
What is YOUR gameplan?  Due Quarterly through Career Investigations—During this course, the school counselor should work with the teacher to ensure that the following Naviance Tasks are completed:   
Career Key and Career Cluster assessments 
Favorite 3 career clusters 
Favorite 2 Careers 
ACP Vision Survey (Naviance) 
Signs of Suicide:  Due 10/31 
Flirting or Hurting:  Due 11/30 
Pause Before you Post 12/20 



Semester 2:   
Student Vision Lesson: 3/31 
Review Student Vision Profile (SVP) Student Vue 


Grade 8

Semester 1 
Strengths Explorer: 
Specialty Programs Due 10/31; Due 11/30 
Strengths Explorer Assessment (Naviance) 
Review Student Vision Profile (SVP) Student Vue 
Healthy Relations Due 1/31 


Semester 2

Student Vision Lesson: Due 3/31 
ACP Vision Survey (Naviance) 



Thomas Jefferson High School Application – Students (Algebra/Geometry only) will be given an overview of TJHSST, how the application process works, and relevant deadlines. (This lesson is TBD as TJHSST is in the process of overhauling their admissions process – no timeline has currently been provided) 



Transition to High School / High School Specialty Programs – This lesson will cover the social and academic consideration of the transition to high school.  Students will also get a complete overview of the high school specialty program process, and all of the available programs that are offered.  Mr. Davison will be putting this lesson out in Mid-October. 


Specialty program; Utilizing VA Wizard/Naviance “Course Planner” to see course offerings at feeder high school; can assemble mock-academic plan 

Small Group/Individual Lessons 


When do they happen? Who qualifies? What is the process? What is the goal of this?  
Small counseling groups will be developed based on student needs. Initial groups will be created after disaggregating the data from a county wide Parent/Student Needs Assessment that will go out in the month of September.

Teachers are welcome to provide names of students who may benefit from small group counseling. Please keep in mind though that these types of interactions require student AND parent approval. We do not force students to participate in small group counseling, as it is not best practice or in the interest of the student’s emotional well-being.